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I am trying to develop software that sends tracking data from Rebocap trackers in Japan to SlimeVR, but one of the goals is to bypass the Rebocap software. This is because the Rebocap software itself is unstable in preview versions, calibration of tracking does not complete quickly enough for its frequency, feedback on updated preview versions reflecting changes was difficult to obtain from Japan, and there are many existing issues. Another volunteer has developed software called ReboSlime that sends data from Rebocap trackers to SlimeVR software, but updates have stopped as of April this year. Furthermore, it is necessary to control the connection between the receiver and tracker with Rebocap software itself, and there is a bottleneck where both Rebocap and SlimeVR software need to be running.
Therefore, I would like to ask if the Rebocap development team plans to release software or an SDK that can bypass the Rebocap software in the near future? If not, I am thinking of starting development personally so I would like to know what communication protocol the receiver and tracker are using.